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We're all about shaking things up in React Native education. Think of us as your insider guide to the mobile jungle. This isn’t just another learning curve; it's your backstage pass to mastery. Get ready to decode the secrets of React Native and turn 'complicated' into 'I’ve got this!'

Not for Beginners


Whether you're just starting out or you've been around the block, here we dive deep, not just dip our toes. Tired of surface-level stuff? Here, 'learning' means diving into the tech trenches to supercharge your skills, so you become the smartest developer in the room.

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Kicking off as your go-to treasure trove of free React Native wisdom, our platform is open to everyone. And guess what? We're just getting started! As we evolve, brace yourself for an awesome blend of free and premium goodies, including quizzes, videos and comprehensive courses!

Hi 👋, I am Raúl!

Speaking at a conference

Through my journey in the ever-evolving world of app development, I've encountered a striking realization: the landscape of React Native education is brimming with untapped potential. Too often, I've seen the same basic materials recycled, taught by generalist educators more focused on quantity over quality. This approach, while widespread, overlooks the depth and intricacies that React Native offers.

Certainly, there are brilliant minds creating exceptional content, especially in specialized areas like animations. However, these resources, as insightful as they are, represent only a fraction of the vast expanse of advanced topics critical to mobile app development.

This scenario, perhaps, isn't surprising. React Native, still relatively a new technology, hasn't had the time to cultivate a deep pool of experienced educators. The kind of experience that comes from early adoption, diving into the source code, and navigating through myriad challenges.

I was privileged to be one of the early adopters of React Native, which opened doors to collaborate with some of the brightest minds in the field, including core contributors. This blend of early exposure and hands-on experience, combined with my passion for teaching, allowed me to contribute to the community since the early days:

After all these years, I've reached a pivotal moment. My journey, filled with exploration and countless discoveries, has led me here. Now, I'm excited to channel my passion and energy into what I love the most. Through React Native University, I aim to share the wealth of knowledge and insights I've gathered. It's more than just a platform; it's the culmination of my experiences, ready to be shared with you.

React Native University • © 2024